Monday, July 14, 2014

July 14, Monday

Yesterday was a very lazy day for us. Lon slept a good part of the day. He needed to get caught up on his naps! I put away stuff, did laundry and took a short nap also. It is really dry around here. The lawn looks like California. But the cornfield next door is doing well. It was maybe 18" tall when we left. Now it's taller than I am. 

All day today we have been under a severe thunderstorm WATCH.  There was a line of storms that went through Middle Tennessee today but most of it missed us. We did get a little rain. In fact, it's raining now when I let Cricket out.  Still warm but they say the temperatures are going to be lower for the next few days. And the cicadas are back - noisy tonight. 
I was looking at our 2 pine trees in the backyard today. They were little living Christmas trees that we used several years back before we planted them. A year apart.  They have really grown.

Lon's doctor's office called today and has postponed his appointment until Monday, July 21. The medication wasn't going to be available tomorrow. So.......we could have stayed away for more days!!! Actually, it's good to get caught up on our rest. We had such a good trip and have so much to talk about and remember. Good times!! 

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