Yesterday, Tuesday, I was getting my things together to head for home from Natalie's. As the morning worn on, I was feeling much worse in regards to my vertigo. After talking to my son, Pete, I decided to go to the emergency room and get checked out. The symptoms that I was having was a concern for stroke or heart problems. So they did lab work, a CT of my head and then an MRI. Fortunately everything came out ok. So they ordered medication for vertigo and let me go home. They had given me several drugs while there.. One to bring my blood pressure down. It was high, higher than what my cuff was reading at home. And some Reglan which made me very nervous and felt like I had to get up and get out of there! An unpleasant side effect, well known. Is (or at least used to be) before surgery and I have seen those side effects. Not a pleasant situation. Then some Benadryl to counteract that and help with the vertigo. This is the only picture I have for yesterday's travel. I was at Medical Center Lewisville hospital . They already had most of my basic information from at trip there sometime before 2009, because Lon was still driving our big red truck. I had issues with a blood pressure mediation. I was able to visit in 2014 on our long road trip without going to the ER. Poor Natalie! Going to be leery of me coming to visit her!!! Very nice staff and I felt in good hands.
Just hanging out today. Natalie had to go to work so her dog and I are keeping each other company.

Feeling a little better today so hope that continues. And bp is normal today according to my cuff. Might get the unit checked at my next dr. appt to make sure it's accurate. Was good last time I took it in.
Will try to update more tonight. Maybe some pictures.
P.S. Happy birthday Natalie!!
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