Another beautiful day! I left Colby, KS about 10:45am. Made a reservation in Guthrie, OK. because I wasn't sure if they would be sold out by this evening. They had one King left. So I took it. The first part of the day was clear, and hot. Kansas is flatter than a pancake!!! Acres and acres of corn, sunflowers, and other unknown crops! And a picture at a Kansas rest stop. (Not a very good picture!)

And more windmills. Some of the groups were not functioning, others were going around quickly. When I got into Oklahoma I saw some that didn't have the blades on them. I think they were under construction. Either that or a tornado took them off!!!

When I was coming into Witchita, KS I could see that I was going to be running directly into a thunder storm. Impressive lightning going straight to the ground. Soon it was pouring harder than I've seen and apparently hail was hitting windshield. I couldn't see it on the ground but it sounded like golf balls hitting the glass. I pulled over as did many others cars and trucks. Fortunately it didn't last too long and I was able to drive slowly out of it. It's hard to see in the picture the whole storm. it was impressive!

At a truck stop in Oklahoma, there was as interesting hand dryer in the bathroom. It's under the square metal piece to the right of the faucet and soap dispenser. Worked great!!

the car because it's so new. My room is great. Twice as big as last night's room!

This little dog has followed me all the way across the US and back! (in the elevator)

I asked at the desk for recommendation for a place to eat. The man immediately said to go to Stables and told me how to get there. It was a little, old looking place and the parking lot was PACKED!!! What a fun experience it was. I took several pictures. When I sat down there were 4 black men sitting in the booth next to me. I could hear them talking to the waitress and having fun with her. They got up to leave and I have never been that close to such big men!!! Later I asked the waitress if those men were football players. She said yes. They are super nice guys and a lot of fun. They play for Langston University. They are the offensive line!! It was a fun way to end the day or travel.

Tomorrow I will go to Lewisville, TX to visit Natalie. I will stay 2 nights so that I'm not traveling on Monday when the sun disappears for a while!! Plus the traffic is supposed to be bad. Hope it's ok driving back to Nashville. May take me 2 days to get back depending on how sleepy I get driving. Looking forward to spending some time with Natalie.
For now, goodnight. Hugs.
You likely asleep now! Glad you made it to see Natalie! Getting closer to home also!! Are you tired of driving?? Well you are on the down side of it now!! Hope all goes well!