Beautiful and cool again today. In the 80's. Oh, I said I was going to post the rest of the families - the dogs. The first one is Jeana's dog Tessa. The second is Jackie's dog Carley. She is joining me for hot water on the porch. And the 3rd is one of Scott's dog watching TV. He had been telling us about his dogs watching TV with him and when he got home this is what he found!! :-)

My morning hot water on the porch.
A view of an almond orchard and the hills behind it looking west. My sister and her 2 granddaughters and I went to lunch at Pete's in Woodland and then spent a little time shopping before Kaia had to go to volleyball practice. Teagan got to stay at home while Kaia had practice.
We had a delicious lunch and great family time. Great fries and burger!!
We ALL had burgers!
Going to leave tomorrow for home. Will head to Elko, NV to stay tomorrow night. It's been a great trip. Didn't see everyone I had planned to but will just have to make another trip out here. I have travel funds with Southwest that have to be used so will be good excuse to visit again.
Until tomorrow...........Have a good night! Hugs.
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