Today has been a LONG day driving. I left Rock Springs, WY at 8:30am MT. Tonight I am in Colby, Kansas. Got here at 6pm MT (7pm CT). The time changed a couple of towns west of here. Not many pictures today. First one is in Colorado west of Denver. Looks like a reflection on the windshield. Rocks were interesting. Didn't see any wildlife.

Several places on the highway in Wyoming the signs said to turn on headlights during the eclipse and no stopping on the road. In Colorado when I got on I25 going south to Denver, the road signs warned to be ready for heavy eclipse traffic Friday thru Tuesdayand again no stopping on road. The north bound side was bumper to bumper for at least 40 miles before I turned off of it to head east on I70. Hard to get a good picture but you get the idea!!

Tonight this is my headquarters with dining at Subway takeout to my room. I was (am) pretty tired. Had to pull off road a couple of times. Got very sleepy.

Then Jackie sent me these pictures of Almanor!! Beautiful.

Going to go to bed early tonight. Having some vertigo issues tonight. Hoping that being down at a lower elevation will help. Tonight I'm at 3100'. Lowest I've been since I left the Sacramento valley. Was at almost 8000' today and mostly at 6-7000'. This town has a population of about 5000. Pretty sparse around here. Some corn fields, lots of windmills, some other crops that I'm not sure what they are and lots of cattle.
Good night!! More tomorrow. Hugs.
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