Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Day 7

We have been to town shopping etc.  I went to Costco while Jackie got her nails done. Going to have lamb chops for dinner with corn, tomatoes, and a salad. Makes me hungry just writing about. The homegrown tomatoes  and corn are so good.
I’m going to post a few pictures from yesterday and some from today. I was on Interstate 5 and it runs through farm land. Many orchards and other crops. There are pistachio trees, almonds, walnuts, olive trees, and fields of rice, melons, tomatoes, sunflowers, corn, alfalfa, etc. Was hard to get good pictures  that aren't blurry. It's hard to get used to the trucks going 55 MPH. And for the most part, they observe it. The first 3 pictures are at Dee's house. Her backyard and her doggies.

Next  is a pistachio orchard, rice fields (sorry about the bugs on the window), rice dryers, and a sunflower field that is close to being ready for harvest. 

Storms in the Sierras.

 A large group of military vehicles pulled off in front of me as I turned off the freeway to Jackie's. Think they were army but don't know where they were going or where they came from.

Jackie's backyard is so beautiful. Looks like a magazine picture! You can see the solar panels on the roof of Jack's shop. 

Jack's garden. 

An olive orchard and a close up of almond trees.  They are growing a different variety of olives. The trees are smaller than the old trees used to be. I think there is a different market. Maybe these are more for oil. Will have to check that out. 
Olive trees

Almond trees

Well, it's late again. Had to go eat our lamb chops!!  So good.  Today saw a truck hauling tomatoes but couldn't get my phone out quick enough. Maybe tomorrow will be able to catch another one. They are field tomatoes that are processed to be canned. 
Until tomorrow. Take care. Have a good night.
Hugs, Carol 

1 comment:

  1. Another great blog! I realize even tho I get your updates via email I can't make a comment so I go into your blog to comment! Perhaps that is one reason you haven't seen many comments! It is so great having you out here and I enjoy viewing your photos and your comments!
