Sunday, July 29, 2018

Saturday, July 28, 2018
Day 11

Well, this morning we woke up to smoke smell!! First time we have actually been able to smell it. And we have a fine ash on everything.  More fires started today in Northern California. The last I heard the Redding (Carr) fire was at 80,000 acres. That was this morning so I am sure it's more. We enjoyed a great breakfast cooked on the BBQ by Mark. Had our meal on the deck watching the activities on the lake. I walked down their road and took some pictures about noon. It was hot and quite a hike back up hill. Good thing it wasn't very far. Would have had to have Jeana come pick me up in the quad!!  That picture doesn't look like it's uphill but it definitely is!!!

A bunch or rednecks cooling off!! :-) 

Jeana, Teagan, and Tessa going down the road to feed the deer. They love to see them come in the evening and eat. They get scraps of lettuce, tomatoes, etc.  

Tonight we had another excellent meal. Mark smoked a Tri-tip. We had huge artichokes, and a yummy salad. We tried to eat on the deck, but the meat bees attacked us and tried to get out food so we moved back inside. One even came in with me!! But it was a great dinner with great people!! 

I'm sitting on the deck writing tonight. We have all the lights off so the bugs are liking the light from my computer :-) It's almost chilly after being hot today. It's 69 so after being low 90's today it's quite a difference.
That's all for tonight. Hope all is well. More tomorrow.  Hugs,  Carol

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