Tuesday. August 14, 2018
Day 28
Last leg of trip!! Less than 400 miles to go. I had a hard time getting going this morning. The room was so nice and the bed was the most comfortable of the whole trip!! I needed gas so drove to nearest station and turns out it was right below where I was last night in the parking lot listening to the music. The hotel was on Wentzville Bluffs Rd. Now I see why! It literally was on a bluff.
Last night I was standing where those 2 little trees are on top of the bluff.
I got into St. Louis about 11am and the traffic was crazy. I saw 2 close call accidents with people changing lanes and almost pulling into another car. And the roads through there are not good. Lots of construction. Hate to have gone through there at rush hour!!( The only real rush hour traffic I had the whole trip was this afternoon coming into Nashville and getting onto Viet Nam Blvd. Traffic was actually stopped at the end where it turns into Longhollow!)
It was nice to see all the trees when I got into KY and TN.
I took more pictures. One with Don Williams singing in the background! But it's too long.
One place on the road I saw a string of what looked like clothes alongside the road. Probably somebody's suitcase :-) The rest of the trip I don't remember seeing any trash. Not like in TN. Someone threw out a grocery bag right in front of me. Another threw out a cigarette. That would be a major NO NO in California with all the wild fires.
I got home about 4:30 this afternoon. It was so nice to drive up to a newly mowed yard. Thanks to my granddaughters. Got part of the car unpacked and then had to quit. It was only 88 but it felt really hot. So will get the rest tomorrow. And put away all the stuff I have sitting on the counters, etc.
It was a great trip even though the main reason for going was sad. Thanks to everyone who helped make it enjoyable both in California and TN and Krista and Stacey for taking care of my place while I was gone. I will be glad to have my hand held shower again! I guess it was time to be home tho. The required maintenance light came on west of St. Louis and the strap on my purse gave out this morning! (Too much stuff in there :-) ) Drove 5,497 miles! I had the car serviced before I left and now will have to go in again so I can get the orange caution icon to go out on the dash board!
Until the next trip........or if I have something exciting to write about. :-)
Have a good night. Love to all, Carol